Spiritual Intercession Services.

Miraculous Intercessory powered by the Intercessors Of Yahweh and manifestation experts. Powerful Intercession Services.

Intercession Plans:

Monthly Intercession.


Monthly Subscription

Quarterly Intercession.


Quarterly Subscription

Half-Yaer Intercession.


Half-Year Subscription

Yearly Intercession.


Yearly Subscription

1212 Spells.

Intercession Services.

Intercessory Services performed daily: Full-time, night-and-day. The primary Directive, Goal & Objective of this program is to manifest results for the things you desire most and help you obtain and continually enjoy the rewards of a blessed and prosperous life.

Primary Objectives:

Sign up Today.

Daily Program Schedule.

Empowerment invocations:

Energy Channeling Program:

Meditative transmissions:

Prayer / Invocations:

This program is made possible by our global members and prayer partners from around the globe who unite to channel positive energy, pray for and meditate on your cause to invoke the manifestation powers of Yahweh, the God of gods, to satisfy your needs.

Get With The Program

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Spell List

For must have needs.

If you need advice or help
We do offer free consultations
Please feel free to contact us directly
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