1212 Spells.

Invocation / Casting Options.

Basic Service.

Prayer Request performed in prayer service with all other Prayer Request received that day.

Single Cast.

Cast once in a Dedicated Casting Service.

Plus, a power boost. We will meditate on your goal during the Main blessing, Invocation & Casting.

Fire Cast.

Single cast in Dedicated Casting Service during our 3 A.M. fire ceremony. Plus the Power Boost.

A Fire cast allow you to capitalize on a ceremony that me & my people have used to satisfy our client's needs wants and wishes throughout the ages.

Triple Cast.

Cast in 3 dedicated services, which include a fire cast.

Your Blessed Spell will be cast three times in one night in three dedicated casting services. We perform the 3rd and final casting in the main 3 a.m. fire ceremony.

Use this casting option to tackle stubborn cases or situations.

Power Circle Cast X3
Also known as a Coven Cast.

* Cast by 13 mighty spirit warriors.

Plus, it's a Triple cast, that's three dedicated services—all in one night. We perform the main casting with 13 members forming a power circle around the 3 a.m. fire ceremony.

Great power is accredited to the Power Circle Cast. Inside the circle, sacred energy is released by the fire. The perimeter of the circle naturally emits positive energy. Outside the circle, 13 spirit warriors supercharge that energy and channel it into your spell casting.

This Casting option is our most popular solution for complicated situations and is an excellent choice for conditions that need extra attention.

Intercessory Power Cast.

This service provides you with a Daily Circle Fire Cast for 30 days.

All 30 Castings will be held in dedicated services by 13 members of our spirit warrior team each night encircling our sacred 3 a.m. fire ceremony.

This option also comes with a free blessing for Good luck, Good fortune, and increased favor. And this service includes the removal of negative energy from you & the target for 30 days.

This casting option is the mother of all our Invocation services. We recommended this service for people who have the direst needs and or 'Must have' cases.